Equality Through Inclusion: Evaluation of Empowerment Programs for LGBT Communities in Indonesia
Indonesia Forum Lunch Time Seminar
A wealth of research has highlighted substantial health disparities faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI and sexual and gender minorities) in various parts of the world. Even though interest in the health of sexual and gender minority groups has so far been disproportionately focused on sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) – specifically HIV/AIDS, there is increased awareness around the negative health consequences that stigma, marginalisation and discrimination bring to these diverse populations.
This seminar will share the findings of a recent systematic study that showed how community engagement can work to improve the health of sexual minorities within disadvantaged population groups. This study aimed to assess the level of community empowerment, health-seeking behaviour, and the experiences of stigma and discrimination among LGBT groups in health facilities in Indonesia. Using data collected from 220 LGBT people in three cities through face-to- face interviews and digital survey platforms, the study explored the relationship between community empowerment and health-seeking behaviour.
Presenter: Dr Ignatius Praptoraharjo
Wednesday, 11 March 2020
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Room 321, Level 3
Building 158, Sidney Myer Asia Centre
Parkville campus
Contact: setiyanimart@student.unimelb.edu.au