The film Kartini and Kartini as a source of historical and contemporary inspiration in Indonesia
The Indonesia Forum at the University of Melbourne is delighted to announce a panel discussion inspired by the recently released Indonesian film Kartini, directed by Hanung Bramantyo and produced by Robert Ronny.
Our four panelists have a range of expertise on Kartini, Indonesian women’s movements, Javanese traditions, gender and Islam in Indonesia. They will offer reflections on the film and related historical and contemporary issues concerning gender and women’s activism.
Dr Dina Afrianty, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute for Religion Politics and Society, Australian Catholic University
Dr Joost Coté, Senior Research Fellow, SOPHIS, Monash University
Dr Helen Pausacker, Deputy Director of the Centre for Indonesian Law, Islam and Society (CILIS), University of Melbourne
Hani Yulindrasari, Phd candidate in Gender Studies, University of Melbourne
Associate Professor Kate McGregor, School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, University of Melbourne
There will be plenty of time for audience participation and questions for the panel.
Rsvps NOT required.
All enquiries about this event should go to Kate McGregor:
For those wishing to see the film prior to the panel tickets can still be purchased via the ACMI website for the Sunday May 21 for the 7pm session.