Intimate Muslimah Public in Indonesia
Indonesia Forum Lunch Time Seminar
Wednesday, 19 August 2020, 12 – 1 PM
The seminar will be delivered via Zoom
This seminar will discuss Indonesia’s young Muslim women’s activism on social media platforms. In particular, it will explore how social media platforms like Youtube and Instagram afford and at the same time limit young Muslim women’s participation in public life and their articulations of political discontent. To understand the ambivalent spaces the young women have to navigate in, Annisa proposes the notion of Muslimah intimate public within which the young women represent, express, converse, and debate how they ‘feel’ about social and political issues in Indonesia.
Presenter: Dr Annisa R Beta
Dr Annisa is a Lecturer in Cultural Studies at the School of Culture and Communication, the University of Melbourne. Her research is broadly concerned with youth, new media, and political subjectivity in Southeast Asia.
She has published her work in New Media & Society, Feminist Media Studies, International Communication Gazette, Asiascape, and Media and Communication. She has also published her writing with South China Morning Post, The Jakarta Post, The Conversation Indonesia, and
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