Indonesia’s Inequality Conference, 1-2 November 2018
Conference Website:
This conference examines the nature, causes, and consequences of Indonesia’s inequalities; the ways they are being contested; and options for addressing them to promote greater prosperity, inclusion and welfare.Income and wealth inequality in Indonesia have worsened in recent years. The country is also characterised by marked inequalities in access to health services, education, social security, and political representation, among other things. These inequalities in turn reflect inequalities of power that have class, gender, ethnic and regional dimensions.
Conference Convenors

Andrew Rosser is Professor of Southeast Asian Studies at The University of Melbourne. After completing undergraduate degrees in Commerce and Asian Studies at the University of Adelaide and Flinders University respectively, he enrolled in a PhD in Asian Studies/Politics and International Studies at Murdoch University. Based in the Asia Research Centre, his research there focused on analysing the politics of economic liberalisation in Indonesia during the New Order and early post-New Order periods and the causes and consequences of the 1997-1998 Asian economic crisis. He subsequently worked at the University of Sydney, AusAID, the Institute of Development Studies (Sussex), and the University of Adelaide, building along the way an interest in the political economy of development, policy-oriented research, and social policy.
Between 2012 and 2015, Andrew was an Australian Research Council Future Fellow, carrying out research on the relationship between law, politics and social rights in Indonesia. In addition to conventional academic work, he has also carried out pieces of commissioned research for and/or acted as a consultant to numerous international development organisations including the World Bank, the UK’s Department for International Development, AusAID/DFAT, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Oxfam, UNRISD, and UNDP.

Professor John Murphy teaches and researches Australian politics and history, and comparative social policy history, with a developing focus on Indonesian social protection. He has expertise in social policy, examined historically and comparatively. He has published research on Australian social, political and policy history, public narratives about welfare, masculinity and nation, and memory, historiography and biography.
John previously taught at RMIT University where he was Director of the Centre for Applied Social Research. In the Faculty of Arts at The University of Melbourne, he was previously the Associate Dean (Research and Research Training), Assistant Dean for the PhD Program, and Acting Dean, and is currently Deputy Dean.

Dr Ken Setiawan is a McKenzie Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Asia Institute. Her research interests include globalisation and human rights, transitional and historical justice, as well as reconciliation and reparation. She has published widely on the politics of human rights in contemporary Indonesia and is the author of Promoting Human Rights: National Human Rights Institutions in Indonesia and Malaysia (Leiden University Press, 2013).
For more information about the conference please contact:
Anna Cordner
Email: anna.cordner@unimelb.edu.au