Indonesia Forum Postgraduate Workshop

The University of Melbourne’s Indonesia Forum would like to warmly invite postgraduate students to participate in its Postgraduate Workshop

Date: Saturday, 21 October 2017

Time: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. followed by lunch

Location: Yasuko Hiraoka Myer Room, 1st floor Sidney Myer Asia Centre, The University of Melbourne.


For more than 25 years, the Indonesia Forum has provided a cross-disciplinary, informal and open network of University of Melbourne academics and staff, as well as the wider Melbourne Indonesian and Indonesia-interested community.

This Workshop will focus on developing professional skills, job market preparation and writing for different audiences for postgraduate students. The Workshop will be facilitated by leading Indonesia experts at the University of Melbourne. In addition, the Workshop will also provide plenty of opportunity to network with other postgraduate students, as well as staff members of the University of Melbourne.

Morning tea and lunch is provided. Please register your attendance by sending your name, affiliation and a short description of your research to Hellena Souisa by 18 October 2017 by using this form. While students are not required to prepare for this Workshop, we encourage students to think about current research that they would like to write about in the near future.

Please pass this announcement on to any of your friends/students who may be interested from the University of Melbourne or postgraduate students of any other university.