A Panel Discussion with Andreas Harsono (Human Rights Watch)
Human Rights under Jokowi: A Panel Discussion with Andreas Harsono (Human Rights Watch)
Date: Tuesday 16 June 2015
Time: 5 – 6.30 p.m.
Location: The University of Melbourne,
Babel building, 106 (Middle Theatre, first floor)
When Joko Widodo (“Jokowi”) was elected Indonesia’s president, the protection of human rights and the settlement of past cases of human rights violations were high on his agenda of priorities. Almost a year on, this raises the question what the Jokowi government has made of these promises.
The Indonesia Forum will host a panel discussion focusing on selected human rights developments in Indonesia.
The main speaker on the panel is Andreas Harsono (Human Rights Watch), who will discuss the Jokowi government approach to political prisoners in Papua and Maluku. He will be joined by Dr Antje Missbach (Monash University), speaking on asylum seeker protection; and Dr Ken Setiawan (The University of Melbourne) on the role of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM), particularly with regard to the settlement of past cases of human rights violations.
The discussion will be moderated by Tito Ambyo (RMIT).
All welcome.
The venue will be open from 4.45 pm.
Location map: http://maps.unimelb.edu.au/parkville/building/139