6 September – The Thirty-First Indonesia Forum Postgraduate Roundtable
The Indonesia Forum is hosting another roundtable discussion in Melbourne for postgraduates who are engaged in research related to Indonesia. The roundtable will be held on:
Saturday, 6th September 2014, 10am – 12.30pm (followed by lunch)
Yasuko Hiraoka Myer Room, Level 1, Sidney Myer Asia Centre*
Refreshments and lunch will be provided. All Indonesian postgraduate students and students of Indonesia are invited, although there are limitations to the number of presenters as well as participants. While the event is primarily for University of Melbourne postgraduates, students from other institutions are also very welcome to participate.
Presentations will be accepted based on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, and must be relevant to Indonesia.
Certificates will be awarded to presenters.
Students are asked to make a 5 minute presentation describing their research, in either English or Indonesian.
Students are welcome to attend even if they do not wish to present.
The event brings postgraduate students together in a multi-disciplinary exchange of scholarly interests and information and provides an opportunity for networking. The aim is to introduce your work to a wider audience and make connections with other students whose research may overlap with yours, rather than to present a formal conference paper.
If you wish to attend, please reply by Friday 29th August 2014 to Hani Yulindrasari: hyulindrasar@student.unime
(acceptances only) and provide:
1. your name, email address, your department (and institution)
2. the topic of your thesis or paper
3. whether you wish to give a presentation at the Roundtable, or just attend
4. 150 words (maximum) abstract of your presentation (if you wish to give a presentation)
5. any dietary requirements (all food will be halal).
Please pass this email on to any of your friends /students who may be interested from the University of Melbourne or postgraduate students of any other university.Thank you. *
The Sidney Myer Asia Centre is located directly across the road from the University of Melbourne tram stop on Swanston St. For a map of the location, go to: http://www.unimelb.edu.au/