Monthly discussion – Land use and planning in Indonesia: how do we claw our way out of this mess?
Date and venue
Date: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 at 3.30pm – 6.00pm
Venue: Room 556 (Lectorial Room II), Arts West North Wing,
The University of Melbourne, Parkville VIC 3010
The idea to have a single, integrated map as a point of reference for land use and planning by all government institutions and public in general was raised by the former Indonesian president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) in 2010. SBY planned to integrate numerous types of Indonesian maps through a policy called ‘One Map Policy” (Kebijakan Satu Peta), amidst his concern about overlapped data and maps produced by different state’s institutions. His successor, Joko Widodo, intends to accelerate the implementation of One Map Policy through Presidential Decree No.9/2016 (Perpres No.9/2016): “Acceleration of the Implementation of One Map Policy in a Level of Map Accuracy at Scale 1:50,000”. This regulation is issued because overlapping land use and planning may hamper his administration’s infrastructure development plan as well as other economic activities, e.g. extractive industry such as agriculture and mining, or construction and business in general. Lack of clarity on land use and land permit not just caused conflicts among actors, institutions and communities, but also creating human-made disasters such as forest fires, pollution and floods that claim lives as lands are not used in accordance with the original plans. The high economic costs for disaster relief and recovery might have been reduced through better land use and planning, which means reducing disaster risks ex-ante. In this monthly forum, we will discuss how land use and planning have been implemented in the field through case studies in Jakarta and East Kalimantan, and what are the prospects and challenges of One Map Policy in addressing public’s expectations, nine years on.
Syahrudin Yadi
PhD candidate, Melbourne Graduate School of Engineering, University of Melbourne
Geospatial Information Agency – BIG
Mulyadi Katiyo
PhD candidate, School of Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences, RMIT
Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency – Kementerian ATR/ BPN
Tessa Toumbourou
PhD candidate, School of Geography, University of Melbourne