Billy Adison Aditijanto

Billy Adison Aditijanto is the current Research Assistant and Program Coordinator for the Indonesia Forum (2024-).

  1. Postgraduate Lunchtime Seminar: Glory be to the Catholics: Minority Overrepresentation and Disproportionate Influence in Suharto’s Indonesia

    During the first two decades of Suharto’s New Order, a network of political operatives belonging to the Catholic minority achieved sustained overrepresentation in key positions and wielded disproportionate influence in policymaking. These successes, it is argued, were the result of a path-dependent process consisting of three sequences. Firstly, the removal of hostile rivals by Suharto’s […]

  2. Visiting Scholar Presentation: ‘Empowering Resilience: Unintended Consequences and Reflections on Women and Work after COVID-19 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

    In this seminar, speaker Dr Fina Itriyati presents an ethnographic study that investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the work of low-income women in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, a city affected by the crisis. By conducting 120 in-depth interviews with women engaged in various economic sectors, including formal and informal employment, this research explores the […]

  3. Navicula and Kopernik: Bringing Music and Technology Together for Social Change

    On 28 November, the Indonesia Forum and the Faculty of Arts hosted a unique event on the transformational power of music and technology in addressing social and environmental issues. The event brought together seminal Balinese grunge group Navicula with Kopernik, a nongovernmental organisation (NGO) that seeks to connect remote communities with simple, life-changing technology. Representing […]

  4. Dr Poppy Winanti on Meeting the Challenge of the Resource Curse

    Many resource-rich regions in Indonesia are plagued by income inequality, high levels of corruption and rent-seeking, and relatively poor performance in poverty alleviation. Through learning from and drawing on other regions’ experiences in dealing with the resource curse,  Bojonegoro District in East Java has implemented a series of policies in an attempt to avoid the […]

Number of posts found: 19